Falck Health Care
Falck Sundhedshjælp (Falck Health Care) helps on a daily basis, at odd times and when treatment is needed. Contrary to insurance, which helps when the accident has happened, Falck's Health Care is a helping hand to ensure that the damage does not happen at all.
Our task was to concept develop, wireframe and user test a self-service solution with a focus on health care as well as a "staircase model" of health packages to display on Falck's website.
My role: UX Designer
company: Manyone for Falck
Date: may 2021
Methods and tools: Workshops, prototyping, FIGMa, REMOTE user test
The design
Falck experienced that their customers lacked an overview of their subscriptions and services on their self service platform. It was difficult for customers to see how they were covered and how to start using their services.
As a consequence, the customers did not get the full benefit of their membership with Falck, and Falck could potentially have helped them in certain situations if the member had known when and how.
Our task over 4 weeks was to modernise their existing Heath Care universe on the self service platform focusing on mobile.
This included
prepare and facilitate a workshop to identify pain points
concept development and wireframe of a “staircase model”
concept development and wireframe a proposal for a self-service solution
user test the concept as an interactive prototype on Falck members and non-members
The process
In just 4 weeks, we had to uncover issues, develop concepts, wireframe, user test and design a self-service solution.
The first week was primarily spent on preparing and executing a full-day workshop with a review of products, pain points, target groups and uncovering the desired outcome.
In addition, the first week was also spent on desk research and early concept development. The second week was also spent with concept development, wireframing, preparation of the prototype and interview guide. During the third week, we tested the solution on 6 informants and incorporated the feedback into the concept. The digital designer began design. In the fourth and last week, the solution was designed and handed over to Falck.